Once again, the calendar month of April felt sweet, savory, and in earnest significant — with a whole circle going on around the Diabetes Online Residential area (DOC).

There were so some posts worth mentioning, from blogs to elite group media platforms where both words and visuals tell stories about diabetes. Here's our monthly roundup of faves that caught our heart, in no detail order.

Delight chime in and flag your favorites too, if you like. We've love to hear from you!

Just in case you missed it: April 15 scarred the historic anniversary of when insulin first became commercially available back in 1923. Cheers to Dr. Frederick Banting WHO co-discovered insulin and changed the diabetes world!

A huge congrats to our friends at On the far side Type 1, who received an esteemed "best of the Internet" Webby awarding for their incredible multi-media journalism package titled "Previously Healthy" — telling the tragic story of young Reegan Oxendine who died in 2013 from DKA American Samoa a result of undiagnosed type 1 diabetes. Congrats to the BT1 team for handling this radiosensitive field of study so well.

This Instagram pic brings many smiles; IT shows Christmas carol (@getyourshittogethercarol) pre-wedding pic fun 'tween her and her maid of honor with their diabetes gear on show.

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The Ocean Journal Constitution paper did some great news media work on a shocking report almost the nasal number Georgia prison inmates who didn't get adequate diabetes care and died stern parallel bars. We wish these stories didn't need to be told, because diabetes shouldn't be a death sentence for anyone.

Profligate seemed to seethe for many a in the Physician when the low-carb "Type One Grit" group posted a controversial image, implying that eating higher-carb foods — particularly ice cream — are a leading cause of D-enate complications and amputations. Dozens from around the DOC responded happening various social media platforms, including bloggers Melinda Source at Twice Diabetes and Allison Caggla at Diabetes Daily who touched on the venerate-mongering, stigma-creating scare maneuver of this alarming picture. We concur and hate this rather carb-shaming.

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As noted supra, division among our D-Community's ISN't cool if it's coming from a place of stain and blame. We are in this together and, as this Instagram post by Women of Color iwith Diabetes tells us: T1Ds Need to Support Each Other! Let's practice what we prophesy, Friends.

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Our lives with diabetes certainly go up and bolt down and all around, don't they? That's how Michelle over at the Love, Faint & Insulin web log sees it, describing life with D care riding a "totter" as we struggle to manage this condition.

Have you detected nearly the Unsurpassable Kept Secret in Diabetes? Well, fellow T1D blogger Renza Scibilia in Commonwealth of Australi shares this revelation in an insightful blog post chase a recent visit with her endo. It can be a moral for us all, especially those working as healthcare professionals. (Spoiler alert: WE are the secret.)

A handful of diabetes advocates accompanied the annual HealtheVoices conference recently, including our friend Mike Durbin fromMy Diabetic Warmness, WHO had glowing things to report about this "amazing weekend of connections, education, empowerment and support." We also appreciated seeing that D-peep Chelcie Elmer Reizenstein was speaking there, about the importance of community and the pressing need for more diversity some online and offline. (btw, at that place was a great Diabetes Moments podcast blab between Chelcie and advocate Cherise Shockley this month, too!).

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There's this big film called Avengers: Endgame you might have heard of that's all the rage right nowadays, and D-Mama Stacey Simms shared a fun spin on how the Wonder Cinematic Universe, and the Tower himself, helped her Word improved manage his T1D. Great stuff!

We enjoyed seeing this photo from Gabby (@type.wonderful) happening Instagram near doing her first-ever Walter Elias Disney run for diabetes, showing off her OmniPod while sprinting toward the finish line!

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Great stuff this month, as always. Please station along your own D-post picks for May to America via email. Or drop us a line on Facebook, Chirrup, or Instagram. We attend send on to auditory sense from you!

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